Speech Therapy
Our speech therapy services are designed to help children of all ages with articulation, expressive language, receptive language, motor planning, fluency, feeding, executive functioning, social skills, and early language skills. Our experienced team of therapists utilizes a variety of activities and strategies to help children reach their individual goals. We strive to ensure the highest quality of care for each child and family.
Based on each client's needs we will pair you with the appropriate experienced therapist. Listed below are a few specialties that are available here at KIDS, Inc.
Social Skills Groups
Social groups help build an awareness of self and others in order to navigate the social world, build relationships, and improve engagement at home and in school. In addition, parent education is provided in order to better understand your child’s social learning challenges. Groups consist of 2-4 clients; however, everyone is evaluated prior to group and has individualized goals written based on their evaluation. Skills targeted during groups may include: social emotional skill, social interaction, social cognition, self-advocacy, executive functioning, and autism education and support.
Gestalt Language Processing
Children may start out focused on intonation and not words. They hear the melody of the language we use and communicate with using language they hear others (or media) speak often with the same intonation of the original speaker, which also holds the meaning of the experience for them. Their echolalia indicates they are a ‘gestalt language processors,’ meaning they process early language in ‘whole’ strings of sounds, or ‘chunks’, rather than processing single words. Gestalt language processors are not limited to children on the autism spectrum. In fact, many children begin acquiring language as gestalts. Natural Language Acquisition acknowledges the communicative intent underlying echolalia and helps the child break apart their gestalt scripts and recombine the pieces into new combinations, phrases, and sentences.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
AAC provides communication opportuniues utilizing both high and low tech options. Use of AAC increases a child's langauge development to be able to interact with adults and peers. We assist with obtaining a personal dedicated AAC device for your child.
At KIDS Inc., skilled speech-language pathologists will deliver a comprehensive fluency assessment and treatment for your child. For early childhood stuttering, treatment targets teaching the child about their stuttering behaviors (ie, timing, tension), increasing awareness of the parts of their speech mechanism, and facilitating the production of easier, slower speech. For the school-age population, treatment focuses on identifying and working with the child’s negative thoughts, attitudes, or emotions involved in the experience of stuttering. Additionally, we teach fluency-enhancing and stuttering modification strategies to assist your child with producing more easy, relaxed speech. The focus of therapy will not be on making your child fluent, as this is likely not attainable for older children; however, the focus will be on increasing positive communication behaviors, facilitating positive communication interactions, reducing fear and anxiety associated with stuttering, and building confidence so that your child can become an effective communicator regardless of having a stutter. The best indicator of making progress and achieving goals is when the child's stuttering has minimal to no adverse impact on their quality of life and speaking experience.
Executive Functioning
Our speech therapists specialize in helping children with executive functioning. Our team can help children with generating ideas, organizing and executing a plan, filtering, planning and prioritizing learning. With our help, children can develop the skills needed to be successful in school and everyday life.
Motor Based Speech Disorders
Connection between brain and speech mechanisms (mouth, tongue, lips, and jaw) is interrupted which impedes with speech clarity. Treatment begins by shaping consonants, vowels, and syllables so that communication can be effective.